necrosis$51926$ - traduction vers grec
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necrosis$51926$ - traduction vers grec

Warfarin induced skin necrosis; Anticoagulant-induced skin necrosis; Anticoagulant induced skin necrosis; Coumadin necrosis; Coumarin necrosis

n. νέκρωση


Necrosis is the death of part of someone's body, for example because it is not getting enough blood. (MEDICAL)
...liver necrosis.
N-UNCOUNT: usu supp N


Warfarin necrosis

Warfarin-induced skin necrosis is a condition in which skin and subcutaneous tissue necrosis (tissue death) occurs due to acquired protein C deficiency following treatment with anti-vitamin K anticoagulants (4-hydroxycoumarins, such as warfarin).

Warfarin necrosis is a rare but severe complication of treatment with warfarin or related anticoagulants. The typical patient appears to be an obese, middle aged woman (median age 54 years, male to female ratio 1:3).: 122–3  This drug eruption usually occurs between the third and tenth days of therapy with warfarin derivatives. The first symptoms are pain and redness in the affected area. As they progress, lesions develop a sharp border and become petechial, then hard and purpuric. They may then resolve or progress to form large, irregular, bloody bullae with eventual necrosis and slow-healing eschar formation. Favored sites are breasts, thighs, buttocks and penis, all areas with subcutaneous fat.: 122  In rare cases, the fascia and muscle are involved.

Development of the syndrome is associated with the use of large loading doses at the start of treatment.